Newsletter Update
This post serves as an update for my newsletter. I’d like to start out by thanking all of you who have subscribed and taken the time to read my writing over the last year. I can’t thank you enough for the support.
There is a change that I’d like to make you all aware of. I’ll be dropping my posts down to one per month instead of two for the foreseeable future. The posting date will be the first Tuesday of each month unless it is a holiday in which case the writeup will be posted the following day. It’s been a little over a year since I started my newsletter and I’ve been publishing writeups every two weeks for the last ten months. While I love what I do, it’s become a strain given the other things I have going on in life. I’ve put my head down, grinded away and sacrificed pretty much everything else to do this. I feel like my overall quality of life isn’t benefitting from it. I feel great physically, but it’s mentally draining to write two 4000 – 5000 word writeups every month for free on top of having a day job. I haven’t had time to go out, be social, date, work out, travel etc. and I want those things back in my life. Dropping down to one writeup per month will free up more time for me to pursue these activities. All this work has made me a dull boy.
I also feel like I’ve been on the go since I started posting back in January. On top of the things that I haven’t been able to do in my social life, I rarely have time off because I’m on such a tight schedule. I usually get my writeups done on Sunday night or Monday and post them for Tuesday which gives me maybe one day off every two weeks. It’s not even a full day off because I work at my day job on Mondays. Dropping down to one writeup per month will give me more time to recharge and relax.
An added benefit of this is that it will give me more time to research the qualitative aspects of a business. I’ll have time to reach out to management, current/former employees, competitors and do some scuttlebutt. I think this will make my research more effective and help me grow as an analyst and investor. It should also be better for you, the reader, to gain better insight into the businesses I research.
I may occasionally post two writeups in a month if I come across an interesting financial topic or post my mid-year and year-end updates but going forward, I would expect one. That’s it. Have a marvelous day. I’ll see you in December.